Republicans, Democrats, and Israel, Slavery, and Life

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     This article was started by Dave Leach R-IA Bible Lover-musician-grandpa (talk) 16:02, 29 October 2024 (UTC). To help finish it:

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I'm reading "Inherently Unequal" by Lawrence Goldstone: "The Betrayal of Equal Rights by the Supreme Court, 1865-1903". It begins with a gruesome story of white mobs and a black man, Sam Hose, whose crime was asking for time off to visit his dying mother 40 miles away.

His employer refused, and later came out with a gun to where he had Sam chopping wood, to shoot Sam. Both knew no jury would convict a white man of murdering a black man. In self defense, Sam threw his axe at the man, which split open his head.

Stories blossomed until they had Sam violating all the women of the household. A statewide search was made. Finally he was found at his mother's bedside.

Sheriffs reported Sam's version of what happened, but the same popular contempt for "niggers" made self defense as irrelevant in the Court of Public Opinion as it would have been in court had the white master been charged with killing his black worker. The story was spread nationally, causing huge crowds to descend on the small town to enjoy Sam's execution.

You can find the story by searching "sam hose lynching 1899", but lynching him would have been merciful compared to what they did. They cut off parts of his body, and ripped the skin off his face, before they burned him alive. It took him 30 minutes to die.

After the murder people from the mob stepped forward to cut off parts of his body to display in jars in their businesses and homes.

So what does that have to do with Democrats and Republicans, Israel, Slavery, and Abortion? Oh, and I forgot to add: Immigration?


The Republican party was formed to stop slavery. Abraham Lincoln was its first candidate for President. The Northern states voted strongly Republican in 1860, while the Southern states voted Democrat.

A few very strange historians still can't stand having a war in our history about freeing "niggers". Or, they are black and have been so betrayed that they are unwilling to believe there were ever whites who cared enough for blacks to fight and die for them. They fantasize that the real issue was banks, or unity, or whatever, but bank love didn't put boys in trenches. The fire in Lincoln's speeches didn't have dollar $ign$ throughout.

After the 1860-1865 war, Republicans passed the 13th Amendment prohibiting official slavery, the 14th Amendment creating several more basic rights for "all persons" while establishing all blacks born here as citizens, and the 15th Amendment giving blacks the right to vote. Republicans controlled Congress long enough to pass the 1866 and 1875 Civil Rights Acts. Had those acts been enforced, U.S. History would have been splattered with a lot less shame.

All those Acts, and Amendments, were opposed by Democrats. Democrats had lost the Civil War to Republicans, and then supported the tyranny of Ku Klux Klan raids and other similar groups. Democrats cheated in elections to keep blacks from voting, and publicly bragged about how they did it. Democrats assassinated Republican elected leaders, blacks and whites.

But it was Republicans who neutralized the Civil Rights Acts and the three Constitutional Amendments almost as soon as they were enacted. Republicans, appointed by Republican presidents, to serve on the Supreme Court. Republican justices acquitted heinous Democrat murderers, and used Constitution-neutralizing rationales that continue the court's long line of Landmark Abomination Cases to this day. (See my series of articles about that.)

And although there were enough Republican voters to hang on to a Freedom Congress for a few years, there were Republican newspapers who joined the praise of the destruction of our Constitution in order to keep those "uppity niggers" in line. Then, as now, the very public Democrat agenda was the more evil, but Republicans departed from their principles to accommodate Democrats. Then, as now, the "enemy without" was a "paper tiger" compared to the most deadly enemy - the one within. United, decent moral Americans, who define "morality" the way 1 Timothy 1:10 and Exodus 21:16 do, which makes it a capital crime to steal a man, prevail over evil. But divided, winking at evil, or "accommodating" or "tolerating" evil because "they have a right to their religion too", or fear of taking a stand because then "my neighbors will hate me", lets evil win. Worse: "sorry about those victims. But at least I'm safe."

2 Chronicles 7:14  "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." Winking, accommodating,  tolerating, respecting evil "religion", must be repented of by those who call themselves decent moral American conservative Christians or whatever, before our land can be healed. As for "at least I'm safe":

If you are weak in times of trouble, that is real weakness. If you see someone on their way to death or in danger of being killed, you must do something to save them. You cannot say, "It's none of my business." The Lord knows everything, and he knows why you do things. He watches you, and he will pay you back for what you do. (Proverbs 24:10-12 ERV)

Still, the Civil War was not fought for nothing. Isaiah 55:11  "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Conditions were somewhat better for blacks after than before. But for many, like Sam Hose, and the 150-300 black Republicans slaughtered while defending a courthouse by a KKK mob after Democrat voter fraud wasn't enough to get their candidate installed, life was brutal, like the videos of the Palestinian invasion of Israel October 7, 2023.


Fortunately God has given Israel grace with American presidents, both Republican and Democrat. Democrat Harry Truman made the U.S. the first nation to formally recognize Israel, within about an hour of when Israel declared its independence. Republican Donald Trump made the U.S. the first nation to formally recognize Jerusalem as its capitol, besides pulling back on "land for peace" talk, and neutralizing Iran with sanctions. Democrat Lyndon Johnson helped Israel win its 1967 war; Republican Richard Nixon helped Israel win its 1973 war.

Democrat Joseph Biden has been moderately supportive, but the Democrat Party has become infested with Hamas supporters, enough to make support for Israel a serious campaign issue.

As with civil rights for blacks, Republicans lead Democrats in support for innocent Israelis, while the atrocities that enrage Democrats are not the Hamas and Hesbollah rockets fired continuously, or the "The Worst 45-minute Film You'll Ever See" barbaric invasion October 7, but the number of suicidal Hamas soldiers "neutralized" by everything from drone-guided snipers to exploding pagers.


By searching "former abortion doctor testifies" I got "'I'm a mass murderer', former abortion doctor testifies in support of heartbeat bill". And "Ex-abortion doctor tells the SHOCKING truth about abortion". And "Testimony of Former Abortion Provider, Dr. Anthony Levatino" before a House Judiciary Committee in 2015. And several more insights.

"Aborted baby pictures" is a search term that will put abortion barbarity in the same level in your mind with slavery and Israel's October 7, if you dare to look at them. By the way, Israel allows and even subsidizes abortions.

Unfinished. What I want to add next: quotes from Dobbs v. Jackson oral arguments where the Mississippi Attorney General quotes Carhart v. Gonzales where all the justices acknowledge the barbarity of abortion and the "personhood" of babies. Then I want to touch on immigration, that issue in which Republicans have the most barbaric attitude towards immigration law, reasoning that because it is so dangerous to come, it is merciful to not let them; which on the "merciful" scale is right up there with killing babies so they don't have to be "unwanted".